While you may recognize the face, you may not always know the name. That’s why a name tag is an absolute necessity at a class reunion.
Name tags come in all sizes and shapes.
They can be as simple as a sticker with a sharpie or as complicated as a bar coded badge with your classmates picture attached to a lanyard.
Regardless of the kind of name tag created, it serves as a way for classmates to identify and connect with people they have not met in a decade or more.
Imagine the embarrassment of someone coming up to you and talking like they have known you forever, but you can’t remember their name.
In this article, we are going to go over:
- Class reunion name tag committee responsibilities
- How to create a name tag
- Name tag layout options
- Cost of name tags
Class Reunion Name Tag Committee Responsibilities
For every 50 class reunion attendees, these should be one volunteer on the name tag committee. This will ensure that the entire load does not fall on one person. Also, remember that classmates may bring their spouses and kids, both of whom will need separate name tags as well.
The name tag committee is responsible for
- Sourcing out materials and vendors for name tags
- Creating and maintaining a name tag budget
- Maintaining a class reunion attendee list
- Designing and printing name tags
- Assemble the name tags with inserts and lanyards
The above may not seem like a lot of work, but let us assure you, it is. Organizing, collating, printing, and assembling hundreds of name tags requires patience and perseverance.
Tip 1: Don’t print name tags till about a month before the class reunion. By that time, most of registrations and cancellations for the class reunion will have been sorted out.
Tip 2: Have extra name tags at the class reunion to accommodate for lost ones, or for last minute attendees.
Tip 3: Create different colored name tags for classmates and non-classmates (spouses, children etc.).
How To Create A Name Tag
Creating a name tag can be done in two ways:
DIY: Buy enough plastic inserts for everyone in your class reunion. You can buy both the inserts and name tags at Avery or at the local office supply store. Alternately, you can download free templates online from a website like FreePrintable.com. Use MS word and load the template for name tags. Customize the name tags accordingly and print onto card stock or pre cut name tags from Avery.
Online: There are many websites where you can create name tags online. All you have to do is insert your text and the name tags are ready to be printed and mailed.
Here are some dedicated websites that offer great name tage templates:
What Layout Should You Use For Class Reunion Name Tags
Name tags should be, as a general rule, large and in a distinct color that will stand out. On the first line, list the first name in large bold letters. On the second line, list the last name in smaller font size (Add maiden name if applicable). The third line should include the city and state that the person currently resides in.
Make sure you use a readable font like Arial instead of a complicated one that may look nice but is illegible from a distance.
Moreover, it is highly recommended to have a yearbook photo of your classmate on the name tag itself. Doing so makes recognition a lot easier at the reunion.
Name tags can be used for more than just identification purposes. You can also set up a meal planning system by color coding each name tag signifying if the person paid for meals or not. For example, if there is a green sticker on the name tag, tehn it means that the person has prepaid for all meals. If the name tag has a red sticker, then it could mean that they would rather pay a la carte (or won;t be eating at all).
Finally, many class reunions will have the class reunion agenda printed on the backside of the name tag. Having this handy ensures that people know what events are happening when without having to carry around an extra piece of paper.
What Is The Cost Of Name Tags For A Class Reunion?
Before you start buying up a storm, talk to the alumni office at your school to see if they have generic name tags that they give to class reunions for free. As a word of caution, these name tags are very simple and not customizable, but they are free.
If you are looking to have name tags that have some pizzazz, then purchase them from some of vendors mentioned above. Depending on your needs, name tags can be anywhere from $2-$5 each.
Creating name tags is not as simple as it sounds. It requires a lot of coordination and several weekends worth of assembling to get everything together. With the advice above, you should be able to enlist enough help to create some nice looking name tags well ahead of the class reunion.
What should you do next?
Check out some more of our free class reunion resources. We have templates for registration forms, surveys, and other planning tools to get you organized.