You can create a website like the above in less than an hour
Ever been to a website that was very confusing to navigate?
How about a website where the font is too small, or too big, or is in ten different colors.
Or one where there is no functionality to it, even though it should.
The bad news is that there are way too many terrible class reunion websites out there. The good news is that the problems are easy to spot and fix.
In this article, we will show you common mistakes people make when creating a website for a class reunion.
Mistake 1: All The Information Is Crammed Onto One Page
Want a sure fire way to turn off your classmates from coming to the class reunion? Cram all the information about the class reunion onto one page so that everything is hard to find.
Do everyone a favor and create a website that has separate pages for each subject. At the very minimum, have a page for About us, Registration, Contact us, Classmates, and Message Board.
Also, don’t try to reinvent the wheel by designing your own website. Use a free template so your planning efforts and results come out looking professional and inviting.
Mistake 2: You Don’t Have The Capability To Take Registrations Online
Want to lower attendance even further? Have people fill out long complicated class reunion registration forms. Most people will put off the registration due to it’s longevity, and those that actually fill it out will do much of it incorrectly.
Instead, use a website creator that automatically gives you the ability let people register online. Almost everyone has a computer or at least has access to one so don’t worry having an online only registration form. In fact, paper registration may be a turn-off to classmates that are used to doing everything online.
Mistake 3: You Are Looking For Checks In The Mail
Are you waiting for registration payments by mail? Improve your cash flow and increase your attendance by accepting payments online right through your website. Many of the Class Reunion Website companies that we have reviewed offer this service so take advantage of it.
Mistake 4: You Get 100 Emails A Day For Information
Do you get asked the same questions everyday? How many times have you answered “Where is the class reunion going to be?”
If you’ve answered any question more than once (and you know you have) then create an FAQ (frequently asked questions) section on the class reunion website. Doing so will cut down on the questions received both by email and phone.
Tip: Make sure to add a link to the FAQ page on the home page and on the contact us page as these are the two places that your guests will be looking for it.
Mistake 5: You Don’t Send Out Regular Updates To Classmates
A mistake many class reunion planners make is that they don’t update classmates on the progress of the reunion. Just announcing the class reunion is not enough anymore. You have to send out regular emails that update the latest news about classmates, events being planned, and anything else that might be of interest.
Doing so creates interest in the event, increases interactivity, and adds to the buy-in needed for classmates to attend the reunion.
Mistake 6: You Don’t Have Message Boards
Want classmates to interact with each other prior to the class reunion? Have a message board on the class reunion website and watch people gravitate to it. Post old and recent pictures of everyone in the message boards and watch people comment, jest, laugh and have a good time.
In addition, we would also recommend having live chat sessions too. Have members of the class reunion planning committee attend these chat to answer questions regarding the planning, class gift, hotels or anything else that is on their minds.
Mistake 7: Assuming They Know What Classmates Want
Class reunion planning committees have to make decisions on behalf of classmates all the time. However, there are some questions that can are better answered by your classmates. For example, wouldn’t you like to know what classmates can afford to pay? Or what kind of hotel they would like to stay at?
Instead of assuming that you know the answers, just post a poll or a survey when you have questions that require feedback. Use the answers to make better, more informed decisions when planning a class reunion.
Great looking class reunion websites are so easy to create nowadays that it’s almost sinful not to update one that looks and feels old. For close to $15 per month, you can create a gorgeous website without any programming for your class reunion.
What should you do next?
Learn how to create a great looking class reunion website.