
Want more group leads?


List your hotel on GroupTravel.org and get group leads sent directly to you, with no commissions.

For a yearly fee of $300, you get premier placement (see example), direct contact information for your hotel, and a link to your hotel’s website.

Why list?

Three very good reasons

  1. We have over 500,000 planners visiting our website every year.
  2. Over 15,000 groups have already booked through us with the average group revenue at $10,263.
  3. The cost is only 2-3 room nights for the entire year, and it is guaranteed.

Here is what a premier listing looks like

Image of a hotel listed on Grouptravel.org

Sample hotel listed on Grouptravel.org


How do I list my hotel?

It’s easy. Click on the image below and pay the $300 yearly listing fee. Once you’ve paid, your hotel listing will be live within one business day and you’ll get leads for one full year with no commissions. And in case you forgot, the listing fee is fully refundable at any time during the year following your payment. You’ve got nothing to lose. List your property on GroupTravel.org today.

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If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us via the contact us page.

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