Do Wedding Guests Pay For Their Own Hotel Rooms?

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Who Should Pay For The Hotel Rooms? The Guests or the Hosts?

Having blocked over 100,000 hotel rooms for wedding guests, we have been asked this question over and over again. And no matter how you ask the question, the answer is always the same.

Traditionally, wedding guests pay for their own hotel rooms.

In fact, just about 99% of all couples that have blocked hotel rooms through us have had guests pay for their own rooms. While it would be a nice gesture for a couple to offer to pay for everyone’s hotel rooms, it is not expected of anyone.

Your responsibility, as the host, is to reserve a block of hotel rooms

Blocking rooms ensure that your guests stay in the same location instead of all over the city. They can hang out, arrange for transportation and even have breakfast together. (Learn how to block rooms here)

There are instances where some of your guests may feel that you should be paying for their rooms. We even had one bride who was told by one of her guests “Well, if we have to pay for the hotel rooms, then we need to re-think the gift”.

Fortunately, this is far from normal so don’t feel that you have to spring for everyone’s rooms. If the price of the room is a problem, wedding guests are free to choose a cheaper option or not come altogether.

While you are not responsible for paying for any of the hotel rooms for out of town guests, you may have to pay for a few.

Here are a few rooms you may have to pay for

If the officiant is coming from out of town, it is considered proper etiquette to pay for his/her room for the night of the wedding. You can always iron this out ahead of time by talking to the officiant at the time of booking.

Friend in need
More often than not, this is a common problem. There is always a bridesmaid that genuinely cannot afford to come because of finances. Considering that each bridesmaid may need to spend over $1,000 between the travel, accommodations, hair, makeup, and dress, it is not out of the realm of reality to assume that someone will not be able to afford it. While you certainly don’t have to, you can choose to help this person with their accommodations.

One bride who felt guilty about the amount of money her bridesmaids were spending for hotel rooms ended up offering to pay for the hair and makeup. Not only were the bridesmaids happy, it got everyone together a few hours before the wedding, making for a fun get together.

While you certainly don’t have to, many couples will choose to pay for parents and in some cases, the siblings too. Again, this is not expected by anyone so don’t feel obligated to do so. In most cases, your parents and siblings will hold up their own end but be ready to help if they need it.

The three cases above are exceptions to the rule when it comes to paying for guest rooms. And while you’re free to pay for anyone’s room, it is not an obligation.

What should you read next?

Take a look at our FAQ page where we have listed the most common questions brides have asked about getting a block of rooms.

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