Are you wondering what questions to ask on your military reunion survey?
Wondering which questions will give you the most information while keeping the survey short and sweet?
Well, go no further as we have designed a military reunion survey that you can download and make your own. Did we mention it’s free?
Download Military reunion pre-reunion survey
While the above sample military reunion survey will be enough for most, we know there are those of us who will want to create their own from scratch. For these extra creditors, here’s some advice on structuring your military reunion survey.
Customized Details
Before you start forming the outline of your survey, you should just write out all the questions in one column. We would not suggest you do this in a single sitting as questions will keep popping up and you are going to want to add them as you think of them. Once you have taken a few days to write out all the questions, group them into categories like “Military reunion lodging questions” or “Budget questions”.
Grouping your questions will not only organize your thoughts, it will make it easier to answer the questions when you send out the survey. In doing so, you’ll increase the return rate on the surveys, thereby yielding more information on your future military reunion attendees.
Re-visit your attendees past
Make sure to ask two to four question about the person’s past. Questions like “What are your funniest memories of your time in service?” or “What was you biggest accomplishment while you served?” These questions are designed to gather information about attendees that you can use in a trivia or a “Did you know? section during your military reunion banquet”.
With the information above, you could also make up a “Facts to know about your fellow attendees” handout that you can add to the welcome packet.
Make Sure To Ask About….
We have see many a surveys that ask lengthy questions but forget to ask whether the attendees will be attending. Also, make sure to include any questions you may have about individual budgets, donations and whether people want to volunteer.
The guidelines above will help get your military reunion survey off to a good start. If you added some great questions to your survey and would like to share them with our readers, please feel free to drop us a line so we may incorporate them into the sample survey above.
What Should You Read Next?
Take a look at some tips to help you plan an awesome military reunion.